Urban Sophistication

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snowy Blues

Go out, stay in, go out, stay in....

Its 10:00pm on a Friday night and I survived the area's 1st snow of the year. Wasn't too bad, only 2 inches. Not the end of the world. Snow also means its not that cold considering. It was strange to watch my Chargers destroy the 49ers in my hometown (WHY COULDN'T THEY DO THAT TO OAKLAND WHEN I WAS THERE IN PERSON?) last night because everyone had on short sleeves. Ugh.....one day I will get used to this east coast thing. I used to always wonder what a white Xmas would be like, but after last winter, dammit, you can keep it. Spring, where are you? All that aside, not too many complaints, other than witnessing the twitter explosions about weaves on fire, wikileak madness, Obama signs the tax-cut deal, McNabb getting the bench for the rest of the season, and word that Lindsay Lohan will be getting out of rehab (AGAIN) at the top of the year. Some folks cant wait for 2010 to be over apparently.

I think I'll be staying in tonight, Maybe I'll decorate my damn tree (its been sitting in the living room naked for 2 weeks, thank goodness its not a real one)......

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